Afghan Parliamentarian, Malalai Joya will be speaking at the following events:
- March 6 - Los Angeles, CA - Immanuel Presbyterian Church (Westminister Chapel), 663 S. Berendo St, Los Angeles, 7-10 pm. For more information, call 626-676-7884. [Download flyer]
- March 7 - Pasadena, CA - California Institute of Technology, Avery Hall, 12 noon. Please note, seating is limited at this event. Call the Caltech Women's Center at 626-395-3221 to RSVP. Avery Hall is located on Holliston Avenue, across from Steele House. Caltech Campus Map.
- March 8 - Madison, WI - Intl' Women's Day, Great Hall, UW Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St, at 6:30 pm. For more information, call 608-257-7230, or visit
- March 9 - Madison, WI - "Women's Role in Nation Building: An Afghan Experience," a lecture by Malalai Joya at 12 noon, at the UW Center for South Asia, 206 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Dr, Madison. For more info, email
- March 10 - Columbus, OH - Mershon Center, 1501 Neil Avenue, Ohio State University, 12 noon lunch talk. Sponsored by The Mershon Center, OSU-WID, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department, and the Middle East Studies Center. [Download flyer]
- March 11 - Dover, NH - The Dover Meeting House (141 Central Ave.) Dover, at 2 pm. Sponsored by Seacoast Peace Response. For more information, visit [Download flyer].
- March 12 - Cambridge, MA - The Democracy Center, 45 Mt. Auburn St. in Cambridge, at 2 pm. Co-sponsored by Boston Mobilization, Women's Int'l League for Peace & Freedom, CODEPINK Boston & Afghan Women's Mission. For more information email or call 617-493-5599. [Download flyer]
- March 13 - Washington DC - Social Work Auditorium, 525 W. Redwood Street, Baltimore MD, at 5:30 pm. Sponsored by University of Maryland School of Social Work and Division of International Health. For more information, email
- March 15 - Washington DC - George Washington University, Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding from 12noon - 1pm. Please note, this event is INVITATION ONLY. If interested, contact
- March 16 - Berkeley, CA - Talk and reception at University of California at Berkeley campus, Room 370 Dwinelle Hall, at 4 pm. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by: Gender and Women's Studies Department, U.C. Berkeley. Co-sponsored by: Global Exchange, Afghan Women's Mission, Afghan Coalition, GABRIELA Network.
- March 16 - Fremont, CA - Dinner with Malalai Joya sponsored by the Afghan Women's Association International, at 8 pm, at Century House, 37447 Fremont Blvd. Members of the Afghan American community are especially invited to this event. There will be an optional $10 charge for dinner. For more information, call 510-574-2182.
- March 17 - Santa Barbara, CA - Press conference at City Hall with Mayor Marty Blum and City Council members, at 12 Noon. For more information, call 805-569-2331, or email, or visit
- March 18 - Santa Barbara, CA - Faulkner Gallery, Santa Barbara Central Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. at 5 pm. Co-sponsored by the Santa Barbara Women's Political Committee and the UCSB Women's Center. For more information, call 805-569-2331, or email, or visit [Download flyer]
- March 20 - Ventura, CA - Ventura College Theatre, 4667 Telegraph RoadVentura College, 10:30 am. For more information, please call 805-654-6400. Sponsored by the Women's Concerns Council.
- March 20 - Glendale, CA - Glendale City College, 1500 N. Verdugo Blvd. Glendale CA, 90208 (Corner of Mountain), Student Center Building, at 3 pm. Park in public parking lot on the South West corner of Mountain and Verdugo. For more information, call (323) 788-3171
- March 22 - Norwich, VT - Norwich Congregational Church, 15 Church Street, Norwich, Vermont at 7:30 pm. Sponsored by Dartmouth College Women's and Gender Studies Program, Building Bridges Middle East-US, and the Women's Network of the Upper Valley. For more information contact Jennfier Fluri 603-646-0886. [Download flyer]
- March 23 - New Haven, CT - Lecture at Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Avenue in New Haven, CT, at 7:30pm. Sponsored by the Council for Middle East Studies, Yale University
- March 24 - New York, NY - Funders Network for Afghan Women Lunch Panel featuring Malalai Joya and other Afghan women. Lunch from 12 - 12:30 pm, Panel discussion and Q&A session from 12:30 - 2 pm. At the Synergos Institute, 9 East 69 Street, New York, NY. RSVP, by March 22 to Jennifer Gabrielson at and include "FNAW Event" in the subject line.
- March 24 - New York, NY - Asia Society, 725 Park Avenue, NYC (at 70th Street), from 6-7 pm. Seating is limited, so please RSVP by contacting Hee-Chung Kim via email at